Videos of Koh Mak

Koh Mak Videos

YouTube is a great source of travel information as you’ll find many videos taken by visitors to different locations the world over.  These give you the true picture with no gloss or sales pitch.

Here are just a handful of Koh Mak videos that can be found on YouTube.  Check them out and decide for yourself if this is the island for you. 

One Day on Koh Mak

Koh Mak 2016

Cat Helping to Pick the Crab For Lunch at Koh Mak Seafood

Mr T and the band from Monkey Island Resort

Cycling on Koh Mak

New Year’s Eve 2013 Fireshow at Seavana Resort 

Koh Mak 2016
Koh Mak 2016

A trip from Bangkok to Koh Mak. Getting to the island by bus and then discovering the sights and beaches of the island by boat and scooter.